Music in casinos

play casino music

It is impossible to imagine today’s gambling establishments without music. It helps to create a special atmosphere by influencing the human physiology. Music was already present in the very first casinos that were set up in the south of Italy. Guests were entertained by street musicians who played simple songs. Here are the principles behind the choice of music for such establishments.

Each casino hall plays a different kind of music

Wherever a customer goes in a gambling house, there is music. It is played in the gaming rooms, as well as in the bar and even the toilets. However, different tunes are played everywhere, all of which have one thing in common – they should attract and excite visitors, because the main purpose is to involve people in the game.

In a slot machine room, there are more rhythmic and energising tunes. Sound effects are accompanied by the bright flickering lights of the slot machines, as well as the occasional sound of coins popping out of the machines. To create a festive vibe, popular international tracklists are played. Many owners prefer to create their own playlists to create what they believe to be the most complete picture of the perfect casino.

For roulette or poker rooms, the music is chosen particularly meticulously. The aim is to keep the playing experience low and smooth, so the music is soft and mellow with no words.

Music in casinos

Music Compositions Made to Order in Casinos

World renowned gambling houses host over a million players a year. Often they custom commission music from international stars. This trend began in the 20th century, when psychologists proved that music has a major impact on human behaviour.

Here are the basic secrets, knowing which it is possible to control players’ desires:

  1. certain tunes trigger the production of the brain hormone serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone. The result is a feeling of euphoria that keeps you coming back for more.
  2. Music is usually played in a loop, which doesn’t mean the wearer isn’t imaginative; it just affects the players in a certain way: their concentration and focus increases.
  3. many people are familiar with the phenomenon of remembering a product from a commercial only because of the background music. The same happens with a game that is assigned a certain catchy tune.
  4. online casinos have gone even further, they allow customers to mute themselves in order to take a break from the music. Thereby giving the choice to the individual, which is much appreciated by online gamblers.